S. D. Kjærsgaard A/S working with foreign customers builds on the exact same principles as working with our domestic customers: we aim to create lasting relations and give our customers their money worth.
We do so by :
– offering highly competitive prices
– honest and fulfilling representation
– fairness for all parties involved
We deliver hardware and provide service world wide. We gladly offer counselling via email and telephone and should You be in need of on-site tech support we are more than happy to send one of our highly skilled employees.

Much more than just spare parts
We offer very attractive spare parts packages for your equipment – often older parts which we sell at favorably reduced prices – please request more info. S. D. Kjærsgaard A/S welcomes trade partners world wide and will work with You to develop your business. We are also in a position to offer credit for export customers on favorable terms – please just send data and economic reports on your company and specify your needs.
Once again welcome – we look forward to doing business with You.